"""Python SDK and Wrapper for the IR-Flow REST API
from json import dumps
import logging
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import requests
import urllib3
from .__version__ import __version__
import configparser
except ImportError:
# py2 support
import ConfigParser as configparser
# The next to lines suppress the SSL Warning
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
[docs]class IRFlowClientConfigError(Exception):
"""Raised on Config Errors"""
[docs]class IRFlowMaintenanceError(Exception):
"""Raised on HTTP 503 from IR-Flow App, likely being upgraded."""
[docs]class IRFlowClient(object):
"""Python SDK for the IR-Flow REST API.
end_points = {
'assign_user_to_alert': '/api/v1/alerts/{0}/assign',
'create_alert': 'api/v1/alerts',
'get_alert': 'api/v1/alerts',
'put_alert_close': 'api/v1/alerts/close',
'put_incident_on_alert': 'api/v1/alerts/%s/incident/%s',
'get_attachment': 'api/v1/attachments/%s/download',
'put_attachment': 'api/v1/%s/%s/attachments',
'get_fact_group': 'api/v1/fact_groups',
'put_fact_group': 'api/v1/fact_groups',
'create_incident': 'api/v1/incidents',
'get_incident': 'api/v1/incidents/%s',
'put_incident': 'api/v1/incidents/%s',
'put_alert_on_incident': 'api/v1/incidents/%s/alerts/%s',
'get_picklist_list': 'api/v1/picklists',
'get_picklist': 'api/v1/picklists/%s',
'add_item_to_picklist': 'api/v1/picklists/%s/picklist_items',
'get_picklist_item_list': 'api/v1/picklist_items',
'create_picklist_item': 'api/v1/picklist_items',
'get_picklist_item': 'api/v1/picklist_items/%s',
'restore_picklist_item': 'api/v1/picklist_items/%s/restore',
'delete_picklist_item': 'api/v1/picklist_items/%s',
'object_type': 'api/v1/object_types',
'version': 'api/v1/version'
[docs] def __init__(self, config_args=None, config_file=None):
"""Create an API Client instance
Creates API Client to IR-Flow API. Default timeout is 5 seconds on connect and
30 seconds on response.
config_args (dict): Key, Value pairs of IR-Flow API configuration options
config_file (str): Path to a valid Ir-Flow configuration file
self.circle_ci = os.environ.get('CI', False)
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Make sure we have config info we need
if not (config_args or config_file):
print('Missing config input parameters. Need either api.conf, or to pass in '
'config_args to initialize IRFlowClient Class \n')
if config_args and config_file:
print('!!! Warning !!! Since you provided both input args and an api.conf file, we are'
'defaulting to the input args.')
# parse config_args dict
if config_args:
# Else parse api.conf
elif config_file:
# Get a reusable session object.
self.session = requests.Session()
# Set timeout on (connect, read) timeouts
self.session.timeout = (5, 30)
# Set the User-Agent
self.session.headers.update({'User-Agent': IRFlowClient._build_user_agent()})
# Set the X-Authorization header for all calls through the API
# The rest of the headers are specified by the individual calls.
self.session.headers.update({'X-Authorization': "{} {}"
.format(self.api_user, self.api_key)})
if not self.circle_ci:
self.version = self.get_version()
[docs] def dump_settings(self):
"""Helper function to print configuration information
self.logger.debug('Configuration Settings\n'
'\tAddress: "{}"\n'
'\tAPI_User: "{}"\n'
'\tAPI_Key: "{}"\n'
'\tProtocol: "{}"\n'
'\tDebug: "{}"\n'
'\tVerbose: "{}"'.format(self.address,
[docs] def dump_request_debug_info(self, heading, url, headers=None, data=None, params=None):
"""Helper function to dump request info to the debug stream on the logging bus
heading (str): A string heading for the debug message - typically the name of the
endpoint being queried
url (str): The full url of the API endpoint
headers (dict): The headers of this request, if desired
data (dict): Key, Value pairs of data in the body of a request, if desired
params (dict): Key, Value pairs of parameters passed in a request, if desired
debug_string = '========== {} ==========\n' \
'URL: "{}"\n' \
'Session Headers: "{}"'.format(heading, url, self.session.headers)
if headers:
debug_string += '\nHeaders: "{}"'.format(headers)
if data:
debug_string += '\nBody: "{}"'.format(data)
if params:
debug_string += '\nParams: "{}"'.format(params)
[docs] def dump_response_debug_info(self, heading, status, json):
"""Helper function to dump response info from a request to the debug stream
on the logging bus
heading (str): A string heading for the debug message, the word
'Response' will be appended
status (int): The HTTP response code of the previously made request
json (dict): The full json response body as returned by the IR-Flow API
self.logger.debug('========== {} Response ==========\n'
'HTTP Status: "{}"\n'
'Response JSON:\n{}'.format(heading, status, dumps(json, indent=2)))
[docs] def get_version(self, ):
"""Function to get Current IR-Flow Version
str: IR-Flow Version Number
Example: 4.6.0"""
url = "%s://%s/%s" % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['version'])
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
response = self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 503:
raise IRFlowMaintenanceError('IR-Flow Server is down for maintenance')
return str(response.json()['data']['version'])
[docs] def close_alert(self, alert_num, close_reason):
"""Close the alert with the provided number, for the provided reason
alert_num (int): The IR-Flow assigned alert number of the alert to close
close_reason (str): The reason for which to close the desired alert
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_alert_close'])
data = {"alert_num": "%s" % alert_num, "close_reason_name": "%s" % close_reason}
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Close Alert', url, headers, data=data)
response = self.session.put(url, json=data, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Close Alert', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def assign_user_to_alert(self, alert_num, username):
""" Assign a user to an Alert
alert_num (int): The IR-Flow Assigned Alert Number of the Alert to attach to the
specified incident
username(string): The IR-Flow User to assign to an alert
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API.
url = '{0}://{1}/{2}'.format(self.protocol, self.address,
url = url.format(alert_num)
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
payload = {'username': username}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Assign User to Alert', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.put(url, json=payload, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Assign User to Alert',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def attach_incident_to_alert(self, incident_num, alert_num):
"""Attach the specified alert to the specified incident
.. note:: This API endpoint will be deprecated in a future release.
You should use :func:`attach_alert_to_incident`, which accomplishes the same outcome,
and is how this would be done naturally in the interface.
No new code should use this function.
incident_num (int): The Incident Number of the Incident to which
the specified alert should be attached
alert_num (int): The IR-Flow Assigned Alert Number of the
Alert to attach to the specified incident
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_incident_on_alert'])
url = url % (alert_num, incident_num)
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Attach Incident to Alert', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.put(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Attach Incident to Alert',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def upload_attachment_to_alert(self, alert_num, filename):
"""Upload an attachment to the specified alert
alert_num (int): The IR-Flow Assigned Alert number of the
Alert to which the desired filed should be uploaded
filename (str): The path to the file to be uploaded
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_attachment'])
url = url % ('alerts', alert_num)
data = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')}
headers = {}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Upload Attachment to Alert', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.post(url, data={}, files=data, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Upload Attachment to Alert',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def upload_attachment_to_incident(self, incident_id, filename):
"""Upload an attachment to the specified incident
incident_id (int): The ID of the Incident to which the desired file should be uploaded
filename (str): The path to the file to be uploaded
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_attachment'])
url = url % ('incidents', incident_id)
data = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')}
headers = {}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Upload Attachment to Incident', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.post(url, data={}, files=data, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Upload Attachment to Incident',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def upload_attachment_to_task(self, task_id, filename):
"""Upload an attachment to the specified task
task_id (int): The ID of the task to which the desired file should be uploaded
filename (str): The path to the file to be uploaded
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_attachment'])
url = url % ('tasks', task_id)
data = {'file': open(filename, 'rb')}
headers = {}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Upload Attachment to Alert', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.post(url, data={}, files=data, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Upload Attachment to Alert Response',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def download_attachment(self, attachment_id, attachment_output_file):
"""Download the attachment with the specified ID
attachment_id (int): The ID of the attachment to be downloaded
attachment_output_file (str): The full path to the file on disk
to which the desired attachment should be saved
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['get_attachment'])
url = url % attachment_id
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Download Attachment', url)
with open(attachment_output_file, 'wb') as handle:
response = self.session.get(url, stream=True, verify=False)
for block in response.iter_content(1024):
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Download Attachment', response.status_code,
{"response": response.status_code})
[docs] def download_attachment_string(self, attachment_id):
"""Download an attachment and return it as text
attachment_id (int): The ID of the attachment to be downloaded
str: The textual contents of the downloaded file
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['get_attachment'])
url = url % attachment_id
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Download Attachment String', url)
# Get a temporary file to download the results into
temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
response = self.session.get(url, stream=True, verify=False)
# Iterate, downloading data 1,024 bytes at a time
for block in response.iter_content(1024):
# Rewind the file to the beginning so we can read it into a string
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Download Attachment String',
response.status_code, response.json())
return temp.read()
[docs] def put_fact_group(self, fact_group_id, fact_data):
"""Put new or updated fact data in the specified fact group
fact_group_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the fact_group to be updated
fact_data (dict): Key, Value pairs of fact fields as specified
in IR-Flow and their values
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address,
self.end_points['get_fact_group'], fact_group_id)
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
fact_payload = {'fields': fact_data}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Put Fact Group', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.put(url, json=fact_payload, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Put Fact Group', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def get_fact_group(self, fact_group_id):
"""Retrieve the current data in the specified fact group
fact_group_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned IF of the fact_group to retrieve
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address,
self.end_points['get_fact_group'], fact_group_id)
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get Fact Group', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get Fact Group', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def get_alert(self, alert_num):
"""Retrieve the alert with the specified alert number
alert_num (int): The IR-Flow assigned alert number of the alert to retrieve
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address,
self.end_points['get_alert'], alert_num)
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get Alert', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get Alert', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def create_alert(self, alert_fields, description=None, incoming_field_group_name=None,
"""Create an alert of the desired field group name with the specified fields and description
alert_fields (dict): Key, Value pairs of fields configured in IR-Flow and their values
description (str): An optional string description for the alert
incoming_field_group_name (str): The string name of the incoming
field group name for this alert as specified in IR-Flow
suppress_missing_field_warning (bool): Suppress the API warnings indicating
missing fields if `True` - defaults to `False`
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['create_alert'])
params = {
'fields': alert_fields,
'suppress_missing_field_warning': suppress_missing_field_warning
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if description is not None:
params['description'] = description
if incoming_field_group_name is not None:
params['data_field_group_name'] = incoming_field_group_name
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Create Alert', url, headers=headers, params=params)
response = self.session.post(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Create Alert', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def create_incident(self, incident_type_name, incident_fields=None,
incident_subtype_name=None, description=None,
priority_id=None, owner_id=None):
"""Create an incident of the desired type and subtype with the specified fields
and description
incident_type_name (str): The string name of the incident type with which this
incident should be created
incident_subtype_name (str): The string name of the incident subtype with which
this incident should be created (optional)
incident_fields (dict): Key, Value pairs of fields configured in IR-Flow and
their values (optional)
description (str): An optional string description for the incident
priority_id (str): ID of the priority to set
owner_id (str): ID of the user to set incident owner to
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['create_incident'])
params = {
'fields': incident_fields,
'incident_type_name': incident_type_name,
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if incident_subtype_name is not None:
params['incident_subtype_name'] = incident_subtype_name
if description is not None:
params['description'] = description
if priority_id is not None:
params['priority_id'] = priority_id
if owner_id is not None:
params['owner_id'] = owner_id
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Create Incident', url, headers=headers, params=params)
response = self.session.post(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Create Incident', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def get_incident(self, incident_num):
"""Retrieve the incident with the specified ID
incident_num (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the incident to be retrieved
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['get_incident'])
url = url % incident_num
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get Incident', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get Incident', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def update_incident(self, incident_num, incident_fields, incident_type_name,
owner_id, group_ids, incident_subtype_name=None, description=None, priority_id=None):
"""Update the incident of the provided number, type, and subtype with the provided
fields and description
incident_num (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the incident to update
incident_fields (dict): Key, Value pairs of fields configured in IR-Flow
and their values
incident_type_name (str): The string name of the incident type of the desired incident
owner_id (int): The id of the user that will own this incident
group_ids (list of int): The ids of the groups this incident will belong to.
incident_subtype_name (str): The string name of the incident subtype of the desired
incident (optional)
description (str): An optional string description for the incident
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_incident'])
url = url % incident_num
params = {
'fields': incident_fields,
'incident_type_name': incident_type_name,
'owner_id': owner_id,
'group_ids': group_ids
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if incident_subtype_name is not None:
params['incident_subtype_name'] = incident_subtype_name
if description is not None:
params['description'] = description
if priority_id is not None:
params['priority_id'] = priority_id
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Update Incident', url, headers=headers, params=params)
response = self.session.put(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Update Incident', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def attach_alert_to_incident(self, alert_num, incident_num):
"""Attach the specified alert to the specified incident
incident_num (int): The Incident Number of the Incident to which the specified
alert should be attached
alert_num (int): The IR-Flow Assigned Alert Number of the Alert to attach to the
specified incident
dict: The full json response object returned by the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['put_alert_on_incident'])
url = url % (incident_num, alert_num)
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Attach Alert to Incident', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.put(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Attach Alert to Incident',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def list_picklists(self, with_trashed=False, only_trashed=False):
"""List all picklists
with_trashed (bool): Include deleted picklists - `False` by default
only_trashed (bool): List only deleted picklists - `False` by default
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['get_picklist_list'])
params = {
'with_trashed': with_trashed,
'only_trashed': only_trashed,
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get List of Picklists', url, headers=headers,
response = self.session.get(url, params=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get List of Picklists',
response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def get_picklist(self, picklist_id):
"""Retrieve the picklist with the desired ID
picklist_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned id of the picklist to be retrieved
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['get_picklist'])
url = url % picklist_id
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get Picklist', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get Picklist', response.status_code, response.json())
return response.json()
[docs] def add_item_to_picklist(self, picklist_id, value, label, description=None):
"""Add an item with the provided value, label, and description to the picklist
matching the provided ID
picklist_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the picklist to which the new item
should be added
value (str): The string value submitted to actions and integrations for this
picklist item
label (str): The label to be displayed for this picklist item
description (str): An optional description for this picklist item
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['add_item_to_picklist'])
url = url % picklist_id
params = {
'value': value,
'label': label,
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if description is not None:
params['description'] = description
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Add Item to Picklist', url, headers=headers,
response = self.session.post(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Add Item to Picklist', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def list_picklist_items(self, picklist_id, with_trashed=False, only_trashed=False):
"""Retrieve a list of all picklist items in a specified list
picklist_id (int): The IR-Flow Assigned ID of the picklist whose items to list
with_trashed (bool): Include deleted items - `False` by default
only_trashed (bool): Only list deleted items - `False` by default
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address,
params = {
'picklist_id': picklist_id,
'with_trashed': with_trashed,
'only_trashed': only_trashed,
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get List of Picklist Items', url, headers=headers,
response = self.session.get(url, params=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get List of Picklist Items', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def create_picklist_item(self, picklist_id, value, label, description=None):
"""Create a new item in a specified picklist
picklist_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the picklist to which the new item
should be added
value (str): The string value submitted to actions and integrations for this
picklist item
label (str): The label to be displayed for this picklist item
description (str): An optional description for this picklist item
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['create_picklist_item'])
params = {
'picklist_id': picklist_id,
'value': value,
'label': label,
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if description is not None:
params['description'] = description
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Add Picklist Item', url, headers=headers, params=params)
response = self.session.post(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Add PIcklist Item', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def get_picklist_item(self, picklist_item_id):
"""Retrieve the picklist item corresponding to the specified ID
picklist_item_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the picklist item to be retrieved
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['get_picklist_item'])
url = url % picklist_item_id
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Get Picklist Item', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Get Picklist Item', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def restore_picklist_item(self, picklist_item_id):
"""Restore a previously deleted picklist item
picklist_item_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the picklist item to be restored
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['restore_picklist_item'])
url = url % picklist_item_id
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Restore Picklist Item', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.put(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Restore Picklist Item', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def delete_picklist_item(self, picklist_item_id):
"""Mark a picklist item as deleted
picklist_item_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the picklist item to be deleted
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['delete_picklist_item'])
url = url % picklist_item_id
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Delete Picklist Item', url, headers=headers)
response = self.session.delete(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Delete Picklist Item', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def create_object_type(self, type_name, type_label, parent_type_name=None, parent_type_id=None):
"""Create an object type of the provided parent type or id with the provided name and label
type_name (str): The string name for this object type
type_label (str): The label for this object type
parent_type_name (str): The string name of the parent object type -
required if no `parent_type_id` is specified
parent_type_id (int): The id of the parent object type - required if no
`parent_type_name` is specified
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
if type_name is None:
raise TypeError("type_name is required")
if type_label is None:
raise TypeError("type_label is required")
if parent_type_name is None and parent_type_id is None:
raise TypeError("Either parent_type_name or parent_type_id is required")
url = '%s://%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address, self.end_points['object_type'])
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
params = {
'type_name': type_name,
'type_label': type_label,
'parent_type_name': parent_type_name,
'parent_type_id': parent_type_id
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Store Object Type', url, headers=headers, params=params)
response = self.session.post(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Store Object Type', response.status_code,
return response.json()
[docs] def attach_field_to_object_type(self, object_type_name, field_name,
object_type_id=None, field_id=None):
"""Attach an existing field to an object of the specified name or id
object_type_name (str): The string name of the object to which the specified field
should be added - required only if no `object_type_id` is provided
field_name (str): The string name of the field to be added to the specified object -
required only if no `field_id` is provided
object_type_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned ID of the object to which the specified field
should be added - required only if no `object_type_name` is provided
field_id (int): The IR-Flow assigned IF of the field to be added to the specified object
- required only if no `field_name` is provided
dict: The full json response object from the IR-Flow API
url = '%s://%s/%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.address,
self.end_points['object_type'], 'attach_field')
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
params = {
'object_type_name': object_type_name,
'field_name': field_name,
'object_type_id': object_type_id,
'field_id': field_id
if self.debug:
self.dump_request_debug_info('Attach Field to Object Type', url, headers=headers,
response = self.session.put(url, json=params, verify=False, headers=headers)
if self.debug:
self.dump_response_debug_info('Attach Field to Object Type', response.status_code,
return response.json()
# The following helper functions are also defined in the irflow_client
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_field_by_name(field_name, field_list):
"""Helper function to return a field via a string name match given a field and field list
field_name (str): The string name of the desired field
field_list (list): A list of field objects
dict: The field object if found, `None` otherwise
for field in field_list:
if field['field']['field_name'] == field_name:
return field
return None
[docs] @staticmethod
def _build_user_agent():
"""Builds the current version User-Agent String
str: user-agent
return "IR-Flow-Client / {0} (Python {1}; en-us)".format(__version__,
sys.version.split(' ')[0])
[docs] def _get_config_args_params(self, config_args):
"""Helper function to check/parse configuration arguments provided as a dict
config_args (dict): A dict of the following keys:
address (str): IR-Flow Server FQDN or IP Address
api_user (str): IR-Flow API User
api_key (str): above user's api key
protocol (str): https unless otherwise specified, default = HTTPS
debug (bool): enable debug output, default = None
verbose (int): turn up the verbosity default = 0 (optional)
# Checking for missing config values
if isinstance(config_args['address'], str):
self.address = config_args['address']
elif not config_args['address']:
raise KeyError('You have the wrong or missing key or value')
raise KeyError('You have the wrong or missing key or value')
if isinstance(config_args['api_user'], str):
self.api_user = config_args['api_user']
elif not config_args['api_user']:
raise KeyError('You have the wrong or missing key or value')
raise KeyError('You have the wrong or missing key or value')
if isinstance(config_args['api_key'], str):
self.api_key = config_args['api_key']
elif not config_args['api_key']:
raise KeyError('You have the wrong or missing key or value')
raise KeyError('You have the wrong or missing key or value')
if config_args['protocol']:
self.protocol = config_args['protocol']
self.protocol = 'https'
if config_args['debug']:
self.debug = config_args['debug']
self.debug = False
if config_args['verbose']:
self.verbose = int(config_args['verbose'])
except KeyError:
self.verbose = 1
# Dump Configuration if --debug
if self.debug:
[docs] def _get_config_file_params(self, config_file):
"""Helper function to parse configuration arguments from a valid IR-Flow configuration file
config_file (str): Path to a valid IR-Flow configuration file
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# Make sure the Config File has the IRFlowAPI Section
if not config.has_section('IRFlowAPI'):
self.logger.error('Config file "{}" does not have the required section "[IRFlowAPI]"'
raise IRFlowClientConfigError('Config file "{}" does not have the required section '
missing_options = []
# Check for missing required configuration keys
if not config.has_option('IRFlowAPI', 'address'):
'Configuration File "{}" does not contain the "address" option '
'in the [IRFlowAPI] section'.format(config_file)
if not config.has_option('IRFlowAPI', 'api_user'):
'Configuration File "{}" does not contain the "api_user" option '
'in the [IRFlowAPI] section'.format(config_file)
if not config.has_option('IRFlowAPI', 'api_key'):
'Configuration File "{}" does not contain the "api_key" option '
'in the [IRFlowAPI] section'.format(config_file)
# Do not need to check for protocol, it is optional. Will assume https if missing.
# Do not need to check for debug, it is optional. Will assume False if missing.
# If the required keys do not exist, then simply exit
if len(missing_options) > 0:
self.logger.error('Missing configuration sections: {0}'
.format(", ".join(missing_options)))
raise IRFlowClientConfigError('Missing configuration sections: {0}'
.format(", ".join(missing_options)))
# Now set the configuration values on the self object.
self.address = config.get('IRFlowAPI', 'address')
self.api_user = config.get('IRFlowAPI', 'api_user')
self.api_key = config.get('IRFlowAPI', 'api_key')
if config.has_option('IRFlowAPI', 'protocol'):
self.protocol = config.get('IRFlowAPI', 'protocol')
self.protocol = 'https'
if config.has_option('IRFlowAPI', 'debug'):
self.debug = config.getboolean('IRFlowAPI', 'debug')
self.debug = False
if config.has_option('IRFlowAPI', 'verbose'):
self.verbose = int(config.get('IRFlowAPI', 'verbose'))
self.verbose = 1
# Dump Configuration if --debug
if self.debug: